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Mishaps at Microsoft, Word censor is down, swearing gamertags allowed

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Mishaps at Microsoft, Word censor is down, swearing gamertags allowed 6c1f3f341c

Been annoyed at having to have a gamertag that isn't offensive or abuse?
Well today is your lucky day! Somehow Microsoft has had it's profanity
filter disabled and for a limited time (until they fix it) you may have
any uncensored gamertag that you want. All you have to do is change your
gamertag to whatever you want. However, Microsoft has not changed their
ToS so you should be aware that you will probably be banned for doing
this if you are prepared to risk your account. note the code of conduct
had not changed "Don't create a gamertag, profile content, Avatar
action, Avatar content, or in-game content that other users may be
offended by. This includes, without limitation, anything related to or
suggestive of: profane words/phrases, topics or content of a sexual
nature, hate speech (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or
religious slurs), illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal

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