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Microsoft thinks gamers don't want 3D

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1Microsoft thinks gamers don't want 3D Empty Microsoft thinks gamers don't want 3D Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:00 am



Microsoft thinks gamers don't want 3D Bf8ec57f26

While Sony has dived right into 3D gaming with the PlayStation 3,
Microsoft has been much more hesitant to dip its toes in the water.

Though a small handful of Xbox 360 games can be played in 3D if you have
the necessary kit, it's not the same full 720p stereoscopic effect that
Sony boasts with the PS3.

Speculation earlier this year pointed to an E3 announcement for
additional 3D support, but that came and went without a peep. So what

Well, Xbox senior product manager David Dennis told Eurogamer that
Microsoft is still weighing up whether it's something consumers really

"3D is an interesting space," he said.

"There was a big rush by some other folks in the industry to convince
people they want to play in 3D. You can question the motivations of why
they want to make everyone go buy a new TV perhaps, but I think 3D has
to fit in a natural way where it fits with the gameplay.

"Something we're watching and wanting to understand from consumers is
whether this is something they actually want.

"Does it add to the gaming experience? Does it distract from the gaming
experience? Is it something they want to play long-term? Or is it
something they try a few times and then go back to regular 2D modes?"

Despite clearly remaining sceptical, Dennis added that if it deemed the
demand was there Microsoft will consider adding greater 3D support in
the future.

"You watch the market penetration of 3D TVs, you look if it's something
people are buying and you adapt and innovate, just like we've done by
deploying different system updates and features. If there's other things
we want to do with 3D because consumers are asking for we would explore


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