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Modern Warfare 3 Devs Not Sweating Competition

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Modern Warfare 3 Devs Not Sweating Competition 2d6719d347

When you're the number one selling game in the world, you're likely used
to people trying to take you down. However, in the case of the Call of
Duty franchise, their success has had an impact on the industry where
games have avoided launching around them in 2009 and 2010. Releases
were pushed into the following years just to avoid the black hole of
sales that the Call of Duty franchise has on the overall market when a
new game releases. This year, this isn't so much the case. One of the
most crowded lineups I can ever recall is about to unwind beginning in
September with Gears of War 3. Though Robert Bowling of Infinity Ward
believes that the developer is used to the competition and prepared for

While many games that are being released around the same time might not
be competing for the same gaming dollars, one in particular is, and
that's Battlefield 3. When Robert Bowling was recently asked about the
competition from the rival developer DICE, he said:
"If there's anything we're used to it's competition. We're going up
against fantastic games every holiday season so this is no different
than any other year.There are many great games coming out this season,
but the great thing is, all those games have very different experiences
that they are delivering which I think is going to be great for people
this holiday as they are going to have a lot of choice and variety when
they sit down and play."

A lot of games have avoided the Call of Duty franchise in the past, but
it seems like that's not going to be the case this year. Pre-orders for
the game have shown that the game is trending stronger than Black Ops
did last year, and we all know how that turned out. The developer has
yet to reveal the most popular features of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
3, which is of course the multiplayer, though it's said to be on full
reveal at this September's Call of Duty: XP Event in Los Angeles.


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