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Battlefield 3 Dog Tag System Expanded

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1Battlefield 3 Dog Tag System Expanded Empty Battlefield 3 Dog Tag System Expanded Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:02 am



Battlefield 3 Dog Tag System Expanded 1655bcf370

DICE has revealed new info about the dog tag system in Battlefield 3.
This time around, the developer claims that the dog tags in the game
will be much more customizable than in the past, and will be your
"personal calling card". When you take down an enemy, these tags are
going to be what your enemy sees. Since these new tags will be
customizable in the stats you show off to your victims, you can let them
know just how good you are with any one of the large arsenal of weapons
in the game.
“We have hundreds of dog tags that can be your personal calling card.
Every time you kill an enemy, they see your tags. It’s your calling card
– it’s your place to brag, and dynamic tags can show off how great you
are with a knife, a jet, or even show off your personal play style.”
said Alan Kertz in latest edition of BattleBlog

As we've seen in the gameplay videos of Battlefield 3 Multiplayer, there
are new brutal knife takedowns incorporated into the game. You'll need
to sneak up behind your enemy to perform the coup de grace, but if you
do, you'll be rewarded handsomely with your opponents custom tags.


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