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Black Ops Rezurrection 'Zombies preview' Trailer

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Black Ops Rezurrection 'Zombies preview' Trailer Fdc2674709

"Ever needed to get up close and personal with a flesh eating zombie?
While on the moon? And battle with it in low gravity armed with just an
AK-47?! Well, believe it or not, here’s your chance!" - be truthful now,
has this thought ever crossed your mind? Can you honestly say that,
between the day to day thoughts of sexual satisfaction and your
lunchtime pita, you have given serious thought to either getting close
to a member of the undead (which, in case you didn't realise, don't
exist) and/or fighting said zombie on the moon? If your answer is yes,
seek medical attention.

Anyhow, this is exactly how the
Activision press team are looking to pitch the latest - and final - DLC
for Call of Duty: Black Ops...Rezurrection. And yes, that is spelt
correctly; it would appear that, when not gorging themselves on our
oh-so-delicious brains, our undead counterparts are also terrible
spellers...who would have thought?

Rezurrection - as it is called - is due for release on the 23rd August,
2011, and will be the final DLC released before Infinity Ward get their
turn at the CoD franchise, through Modern Warfare 3. Unlike previous
DLC's, Rezurrection consists entirely of zombie maps - five in total -
and promises to keep its gamers ticking over nicely until MW3. While
details remain scarce at the present time, we do know that the final
map-pack will cost gamers around 1200 Microsoft Points, and is set to
release on Xbox Live first. PS3 and PC gamers will - as has become
standard with these map-packs - have to wait until the end of September
before they become available, but Activision has ensured their customers
that it will be worth the wait.

However, if the 23rd August is just too much of a wait, why not enjoy this preview trailer, released just moments ago:

Source: http://www.shadowlocked.com/201108112061/news/final-black-ops-map-pack-trailer-rezurrection-revealed.html

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