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DICE issues Battlefield 3 Warning

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1DICE issues Battlefield 3 Warning Empty DICE issues Battlefield 3 Warning Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:00 am



DICE issues Battlefield 3 Warning 2585fdd459

DICE has recently addressed the rash of gameplay footage and screenshots
of Battlefield 3 that have been popping across the web. The Sweedish
developer has recently issued a warning to all players of the Alpha
Trial for the game, and that warning is simple. "Post footage and
you're immediately banned Smile".

The testers that have been invited to play Battlefield 3's alpha build
were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement regarding the contents
of the alpha, however this hasn't deterred players from leaking copious
amounts of footage. For the most part, the footage has been flattering
to the developer, as many have been impressed with the game even as it's
not entered into it's finished state.

Will the warning have the intended effect on the Alpha participants?
It's unclear, but how DICE will track down those responsible parties is
also uncertain as well.


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